Thibault (TBo) Gehin

Financial Analyst


Welcome Thibault Gehin, our newest team member to Morrison Financial.  Tbo, as we Texans spell his name, was born in a small French village near the Swiss border.  His mother was a Rotarian who encouraged him to become a Rotary Exchange student; and, as fate would have it, he ended up in the Dallas area and living with Diane and Mike in 2009.  He went to Marcus High School his Junior year and then finished High School in France.  He came back as fast as he could and got his degree from Texas State University.  


Then Tbo had to go through the US government sponsored Lottery.   The company that he was working for has 5 resorts in Belize.  So, when he wasn’t picked, Tbo moved to Belize and helped manage 5 resorts for MuyOno, an Austin based company.  3 years later, he moved to Cabo San Lucas as a property manager.  He happened to be visiting us in March 2020, when COVID broke out.  The French Embassey called and demanded that he catch the next flight home.  In 2021, Tbo applied for another education visa and he worked hard to receive his MBA with Supply Chain Emphasis from Texas State University.  Not only did he maintain a 4.0 GPA, but he was the President of the McCoy Graduate Student Association.  He was the House Leader of the Graduate House of Representatives.  Tbo was named International Student of the Year and Outstanding Graduate Student for the Master of Business Administration.  Tbo and his younger sister, who came with their parents from France to witness the 100 year tradition of jumping in the river with cap and gown, jumped together!


Tbo joins Morrison Financial with many talents and skills and is always up for a new challenge.  He is quickly learning the service end of our business and is full of ideas to help organize our office systems.  But he’s not boring, Tbo enjoys hiking, running, and pickleball.  He is learning Spanish in his free time and would love to practise with anyone willing to listen to his Spanish with a French accent. 


He is also learning about the industry.  However, Tbo is not licensed at this time.  He is facing the Lottery again in March, which will determine whether he can stay in the US.  Otherwise, he will move to Canada, which has already welcomed him to live and work.  Tbo will be a tremendous asset wherever he ends up…we just hope that it is HERE!


….at least we can enjoy 1 more Christmas Party with Tbo’s very entertaining performance as 

"Buddy the Elf"!

Phone 972-966-3110
Fax 214-889-7300